0419 444 882

About Mallow Sustainability

Mallow Sustainability provides a food waste collection service to businesses
looking to reduce the environmental impact of waste disposal.

We collect food waste such as coffee grinds, fruit and vegetable scraps and other organic waste such as compostable coffee cups from businesses around Brisbane. We use a combination of composting and worm farming to break down organic material into valuable soil amendments.

We use the compost we produce in our farming operations, allowing the nutrients from the organic waste to be returned to the soil rather than being sent to landfill and wasted. This has many benefits to our customers, the environment and the community such as, reducing waste to landfill, reduced costs, combating climate change, improving soil health and supplying local organic food back to the community.

Mallow Sustainability can create an organic waste management system for your business and provide guidance on improving your waste management practices. We also supply organic, local, seasonal produce to Cafes and Restaurants in the Brisbane area.

Want to know more?

Simply fill out the contact form and we’ll be in touch!

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to learn more about our operations and get helpful tips on organic gardening and composting.

